About Us

Hi! It’s Bianca and Thai! We are the founders of Replenish General Store.
With full-time jobs and a young son, we were caught up in the big-box weekend shopping routine but felt confident that we were doing our part for the environment by being avid recyclers. As nature and travel enthusiasts, we began to really see the growing plastic pollution problem firsthand and wanted to do more. After watching “A Plastic Ocean” and learning about the shockingly low recycling rates for plastics, we vowed to consume less, waste less, and make more sustainable choices.
While we embraced “bring your own container” shopping at the major grocery chains, it was difficult to find accessible options in York Region for household and personal care products. Driving to zero waste stores around Ontario to stock up just didn’t make sense for our overall environmental footprint. And so, an idea began to form…
"A movement is thrilling. It's the work of many people, all connected, all seeking something better.” Seth Godin
After finding a growing community of local like-minded people, we knew we could provide an alternative shopping experience in our own backyard. We are thrilled to bring the first sustainable living and refill shop to York Region!
We look forward to being a part of your journey with solutions that are convenient, sustainable, and low-to-zero waste. Let us support you in living a low impact life and helping you choose good products - good for you and good for the earth.